Royal Glory Ministry

The Return of the Messiah

Beloved in Christ, I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today, I want to share with you a divine message from the teaching titled “The Unveiling – The Return of the Messiah.” This is not just another sermon but a prophetic call to prepare for the most significant event in human history: the return of Jesus Christ.
This message is rooted in Scripture, centered on prophecy, and filled with practical wisdom to help you walk in faith and spiritual readiness. As you read, I urge you to reflect deeply, align your life with God’s Word, and prepare your heart for the glorious return of our King.

The Word Became Flesh

We begin with the foundation of our faith: the incarnation of Christ.
John 1:14 declares, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” This divine act—the Word becoming flesh—was the ultimate expression of God’s love. Jesus stepped into humanity to bring salvation, sanctification, and blessings to all who believe in Him.
The unveiling of Jesus as the Messiah is not just a historical event; it is a continual reminder of God’s unwavering commitment to redeem and restore His people. It is through Christ that we are reconciled to God, and it is through Him that we eagerly await the fulfillment of the promise of His return.

The Days of Noah: A Prophetic Parallel

Jesus Himself warned us in Matthew 24:37-39, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.”
In this teaching, we are reminded of the parallels between the days of Noah and our present time. Consider the following:

Distractions from Spiritual Readiness

Just as people in Noah’s day were consumed with the busyness of life—eating, drinking, marrying, and chasing after material things—many today are similarly distracted. These distractions pull us away from the spiritual preparation needed for Christ’s return.

Beloved, I urge you not to let the cares of this world blind you to the urgency of the times we are living in.

Warnings Ignored

Noah was a preacher of righteousness who faithfully warned his generation, yet they mocked and ignored him until it was too late. In the same way, many today dismiss the Word of God and the warnings of His servants.

Do not harden your hearts to God’s call. He is patient, not wanting anyone to perish but for all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

Deception and Prophetic Fulfillment

We are living in an age of great deception. The enemy is working overtime to derail the faith of many, using lies, distractions, and even distortions of creation itself.
Cultural and Genetic Corruption
Just as in Noah’s time, when the earth was corrupted through the influence of the Nephilim (Genesis 6:4), today we see parallels in the form of moral decay and even genetic manipulation. These actions defy God’s natural order and are a sign of the times.

Prophetic Signs Fulfilled

Nearly all the prophetic signs of Christ’s return have been fulfilled. From wars and rumors of wars to the rise of deception and lawlessness, the evidence is clear: the return of Jesus is imminent.

Beloved, we are in a season of acceleration. Between now and the year 2028, significant events are expected to unfold as part of God’s divine plan. Stay vigilant and spiritually discerning.

Practical Steps for Believers

As we anticipate the return of our Lord, how do we prepare? Here are four essential steps:
1. Stay Grounded in Faith
Do not be swayed by false teachings or the priorities of this world. Anchor yourself in the truth of God’s Word and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).
2. Study Scripture
Understanding biblical prophecy equips us to discern the times and navigate spiritual challenges. Make time daily to study the Word, asking the Holy Spirit for wisdom and revelation.
3. Remain Spiritually Active
This is not the time for complacency. Engage in prayer, worship, fellowship, and acts of service. A spiritually active life aligns you with God’s purpose and strengthens your faith.
4. Share the Gospel
Be a faithful witness of Christ. Use your words and actions to point others to the hope of salvation. Let the urgency of the times stir you to boldly proclaim the Good News.

Hope and Encouragement for Believers

While the signs of the times may seem overwhelming, I want to remind you of this truth: God’s promises are unwavering. The return of Jesus is not a message of fear but one of hope, victory, and restoration.
John 14:3 says, “I will come again and take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” What a comforting promise! Jesus is preparing a place for us, and He will return to bring us into eternal fellowship with Him.
If you feel unprepared or distant from God, now is the time to draw near. His arms are open wide, ready to receive all who repent and turn to Him.

Beloved, the return of the Messiah is not just a prophecy—it is a reality that draws nearer with every passing day. Let this message awaken your spirit, stir your faith, and inspire you to live with purpose.
Do not be distracted by the noise of the world. Instead, fix your eyes on Jesus and prepare your heart for His return. Stay grounded in faith, study His Word, and remain spiritually active. Let your life be a reflection of His glory and a testimony to the hope we have in Him.
Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready?
May the Lord strengthen you, guide you, and fill you with His peace as you prepare for the glorious return of our King. Amen!